  • ClientNMG
  • PROJECT TYPEBranding + UI + Motion Design
  • OUR ROLEUX & UI Design
  • LOCATIONNew York
  • AboutBody by Yoga makes the ancient art accessible to thousands of customers through the lens of functional fitness. For several years, they’ve partnered with us to design their packaging, marketing collateral, and app. They, like us, understand the importance of balance and harmony in branding. To inspire customer delight, our focus is always as much on functionality as it is on aesthetics.

01DVD Cover

DVD Cover



  • yoga-posture
  • yoga-posture
  • yoga-posture
  • yoga-posture
  • yoga-posture
  • yoga-posture
  • yoga-posture
  • yoga-posture
  • yoga-posture
  • yoga-posture
  • yoga-posture
  • yoga-posture

03Design Process

Design Process

Client’s Provided Samples

  • client-sample

    Design Wireframe

  • client-sample

    Design Sample

Final Design


Client’s Design Prospective

Final Designs

04Yoga Mat Design

Yoga Mat Design

  • Central Line
  • Center Base Point
  • 45° Line Assist
  • 15° Slopped
  • Base Lines
  • 2 Warrior Line
  • Horizontal Warrior Lines
  • 3 Warrior 2 Lines

Final Output

  • cork-mat

    Cork Mat

  • cork-mat
  • cork-mat

05Yoga Towel Design

Yoga Towel Design

Samples Provided by Client

  • client-towel-sample
  • client-towel-sample
  • client-towel-sample
  • client-towel-sample
  • client-towel-sample
  • client-towel-sample

Samples Provided by Client

  • final-towel-design
  • final-towel-design
  • final-towel-design
  • final-towel-design
  • final-towel-design

06Video Intro Design

Video Intro Design
