
Gamifying the Employee Engagement in an Enterprise

Workplayce is a privately held company founded in 2015. Workplayce.com is an employee gamification platform with a host of features that can transform the work culture in organizations by assisting staff members in their overall development.

Features such as contests, messages, polls, response metrics, and real-time employee rewards for outstanding work accomplishments make it a highly valuable product.

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The Problem

Workplayce.com was looking for a digital platform from which they could increase the productivity of their employees, improve top-down communication, streamline peer-to-peer communication, and sustain a positive work environment.

They started out with a basic website template but eventually, the service became too far-reaching in its communicative capacity as well as in its ability to utilize ratings and awards. They wanted to engage on an enterprise-level, wherein the platform could be utilized for all the employees within an organization, in order to gauge productivity and provide insight across different teams.

The Solution

Process and Engagement Model

The Workplayce platform was developed by a dedicated team using the Agile methodology. Starting with a basic website layout, usability and UX design then came into the equation. The transition from their basic layout to the improved digital experience came with little hindrance, and design-wise, the solution went smoothly. We provided the client with the option to introduce different roles on the platform, which came with different degrees of authority.

Deliver a Mobile-friendly User Interface

The content needed to be optimized for most mobile devices, considering the bandwidth-challenged internet speed in India.

Collaboration and Communication

Project collaboration was done using Basecamp. All project communication was via email, GoToMeeting, and Skype.

Technology Stack

Workplayce was developed with MVC architecture. Ruby on Rails was used as the web programming language. A PostgreSQL was deployed as the database, with AngularJS for front-end development. It was built on the Agile team resource model. We used Angular JS in the development, because it was a single-page application that was able to load pages quickly and effectively.

The Solution

The Result

Enhanced Employee Productivity

The app was appreciated by enterprises for its capability to exponentially boost employee productivity.

Faster Time to Market

The entire solution was delivered within the deadline and it was launched as an enterprise solution in a timely manner.

The Result
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