
Designed a Mobile App Prototype for Both Tutors & Students to Facilitate Frictionless Payments

The client was an ED Tech startup who wished to launch an app that would address some pertinent questions related to the education sector - aligning the right tutors for the student community and providing frictionless payment interaction between tutors and students. They observed that Agencies acting as intermediaries between tutors and students were creating more roadblocks rather than streamlining the process.

For Parents to choose the right tutor for their child is but a daunting task. They expect tutors to support their child’s ability to acquire comprehension skills and decipher concepts, which, they believe, the schools are not able to provide that added support. An able tutor will invest time to understand the child’s ability to grasp the knowledge that is imparted, therefore, encouraging the child to bring forth issues that may affect their learning ability. This would not only boost their morale and self-esteem but also boost up their skills at school.

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The Problem

When the client approached us with their prerequisites, we gathered the following insights:
  • Creating a mobile app Prototype(s) that would fulfill the expectations of the tutor-student community using this app.
  • Creating a frictionless payment system between tutors and students.
  • Increasing transparency and value in the private tutor education industry by empowering students/parents to choose apt tutors (based on expertise, reviews, ratings, and availability) and enabling tutors to get timely paid for their services, thus doing away with the middlemen (Agencies).

The Solution

Created Interactive Product Prototypes

We built two interactive mobile app product prototypes for the tutor-student community - Teacher Application and Student Application - using visualization tools such as sketches, user flows, and wireframes. Here, we leveraged Product Prototype as a service and methodology to design the app, with our target users being, the real audience.

During the Interactive prototyping, we used Personas as potential users to gauge an understanding about the tutor-student role, how they connect, what type of service they are looking for before contacting one another, and what major challenges both the communities face.

The Result

Fully Interactive Non-functional High-fidelity Mobile App Prototypes

We were able to build 2 prototypes - Teacher Application and Student Application - which enabled users to test them with the actual audience. This resulted in users gaining more insights into the expectations of both tutor and student communities. This, in turn, also streamlined the features that would go into the app.

Offered a Real-time Look and Feel

Other than the prototype being interactive, users were also able to experience the working of the app through augmented reality (AR). The iterative nature of the prototype adopted all the key insights collected from user testing, which included design changes and feature inclusions. Furthermore, this also created a platform for an informed Agile development plan.

The Result
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