
Retail App Development Services

Retail Software Development

Digital transformation is the secret sauce in making every shopping experience optimal, whether online or in-store. We design and deploy omnichannel infrastructure using state-of-the-art processes and technology for enterprise retail eCommerce solutions that personalize interactions across connected channels for better sales, ROI, and retention.

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Clients shopping in an indoor mall | Retail App Development
Business owner displaying analytical trends on a tablet | Retail App Development

Marketplace & eCommerce Solutions

Your customers expect a fast, seamless experience regardless of where, when, and how they’re shopping. Our eCommerce developers have experience developing everything from single online stores to complex marketplaces for B2B, B2C, and DTC businesses. With a focus on UX/UI, conversions, speed, and stability, our team includes certified developers in leading platforms like Magento, Shopify, Drupal and Kentico, integration experts, and seasoned omnichannel eCommerce engineers.

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CRM & ERP Integrations

Catering to your customers with a rich interactive experience while automating and optimizing your workflows brings your business the best of all worlds. We specialize in customized integrations, including CRM, ERP, and CMS, that help your organization sell more products/services faster and more efficiently.

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Business employee using an eCommerce solution to track sales | Retail App Development
Business employee using a supply chain management solution to track inventory | Retail App Development

Supply Chain Management Solutions

Your online business' success depends on the speed, accuracy, and strength of your supply chain. We help you take control of your eCommerce inventory on-the-go, with customized, feature-rich solutions for managing transportation, warehousing, orders, vendor/suppliers, and reverse logistics.

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Proximity Marketing/Sales Solutions

Marketing to your customer at the right place and right time with relevant, personalized interactions is a critical business driver. Our expert team of marketing pros and eCommerce developers are experienced in designing end-to-end, location-aware solutions based on GPS, NFC, BLE beacons, and QR codes that feed smart retail intelligence and fuel sales.

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Couple examining their purchases using technology | Retail App Development
Business owners monitoring eCommerce analytics | Retail App Development

eCommerce Analytics & Optimization Services

Technology evolves at the speed of light, and every advance can mean a better customer experience. Our team of QA experts, skilled designers and eCommerce developers, and data analysis specialists proactively detect problems, upgrade applications and processes, and uncover data-driven insights to maximize engagement, conversions, and sales.

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eCommerce Maintenance & Support Services

With attention at a premium, you can’t afford to lose customers because of avoidable glitches, security breaches, or other shopping experience interruptions. Our performance-focused maintenance and support services run the gamut, from simple updates to strategic upgrades, to keep your operations running smoothly for your customers’ satisfaction — and your peace of mind.

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Saleswoman taking a payment for an eCommerce purchase | Retail App Development

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